Friday 7 January 2022

Rounding off the Advents

It now being the 7th Jan it is more than time that I finished reporting on my advents, so here are 23, and 24.

Yarn is Cair Paravel (23) and Kings and Queens of Narnia (24) . On 24th I also got a bookmark from the German Advent along with the extra-as-a-Christmas-present we had agreed to send, which was a lovely project bag. The stitch markers were a pair of silver trees (23rd) and on 24th another enamelled cat with flowers. There was also one for 25th which was the advent logo on a stitch marker.(Click on the photos if you want to enlarge and see them more clearly) I have to say that I have used lots of these stitch markers since I got them which is a nice feeling. 

I have also crocheted all the yarn into squares - as so. 

I was very pleased that I managed to keep up, working each days wool on the day it was unwrapped.  I'm waiting for some wool that I ordered now to border them.

I have two very large  but very relaxed projects  in mind for this year and these are the starting point of one of them. I said to my sister that 2022 was the year I was  going to zap through all my old cross stitch projects, knit up all my wool, make 1000 cards thus decreasing my stash of card making supplies and get through the rest of my Books to Read Poster.  In my spare time I thought I might sort out world peace

Ho, ho, ho!

In fact I am planning to take  a much more relaxed attitude to my crafts this year,trying to bear in mind that they are there to be enjoyed and not as some sort of moral imperative. I have said no more socks as I made about two dozen pairs last year. I doubt I can go a whole year without making a single pair, but they're certainly not at the top of the list. 

We'll see how it goes. 

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