Friday 21 January 2022

Knitting - but not mine

 I received a parcel from a friend in America earlier in the week and among the things she sent me was this beautiful wrap

I love it in so many ways. One because it's gorgeous. Two because it's really lovely to have someone think about you and put all that time and effort and care into making something for you. And three because it's lace and I'm a rubbish lace knitter. I think that knitters generally fall into two categories; lace or cable and I'm definitely a cable girl. This doesn't mean I don't like lacy knitting - quite the reverse.  I just can't do it very well. At this point I hear my mother's voice telling me that in that case I should practie it more and then I would get better at it - but honestly? I've got to the age when I want to concentrate on doing the things I enjoy rather than forcing myself to improve at things that I don't. 

I shall enjoy wearing the wrap - perhaps at the opera if we ever make it there again! 

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