Sunday 18 July 2021

The Bag Bungle

So, as we all know I've been partaking of the Virtual Yorkshire Yarn Fest for a few months, but generally avoiding buying yarn,  and just drooling over it instead. Because I don't need any more of it, but I like to look at it. And see what other things people are selling. Like patterns. And bags. 

Well,  last time I saw a medium sized  project bag that I really liked and I dithered for a bit, well for over a week and then thought, what the heck,  I  would order it, so I pootled over to the website and put it in a virtual shopping cart and pressed Buy Now. And then it told me to pay with a method I didn't wang to use and there was no alternative way to do it so, because I really liked the bag and really wanted it, I asked the OH to order it for me instead. Which he did because he likes to do little things for me. 

He then got very impatient waiting for it to arrive, and looked out for postie, and got crestfallen each day it didn't come. (Don't be surprised I told him. This is Orkney. Stuff takes longer to get here. Which it does.) 

Anyway the  day finally arrived, the bag came, beautifully wrapped, I undid it and - was terribly disappointed, because they had sent the wrong design. Now unkind people might think that this was the OH's fault and he had  ordered the wrong one, but that was  not at all the case, because I knew from the copy of  the order that  they e-mailec that he had in fact ordered the correct one.

Now it must be said that  the firm concerned were great and sent out the right bag straight away, without waiting for the wrong one to be returned which I promised them would happen the  moment I saw over Skype that the right one had arrived. They were cool with that , and said they would refund the return postage in due course. 

The  new bag arrived on Thursday and it was the right one and the wrong one is now winging its way  back whence it came. I haven't mentioned the name of the company company because anyone can make a mistake and they put it right as quickly as they could and anyway I love the bag. And I have to say their Customer Service is waaaaaaayyyyyy ahead of that of a large Swedish furniture company. So this isn't a name and shame post. I suspect it  was an easy mistake to make but we  have  been at the wrong end of too many on-line mess ups recently and I'm just wanting to shriek, why can't people just do their jobs properly?  Then there wouldn't need to be customer service, good or bad. 

In other news I have added Avengers Assemble and Iron Man to my tally of Marvel Films. From which you may deduce that the weather in Glasgow is still far too hot to do anything outside. 

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