Saturday 10 July 2021

Well, we're here.

Arrived safely in Glasgow despite some truly shocking weather. It seemed a longer and more tedious journey than usual. Not sure if that was because we haven't done it for a while,  or because it seems longer if we catch the lunchtime ferry. Or it could have had something to do with a disturbed night; the cat Lorenzo, deprived of his usual access to the great outdoors overnight took to prowling and whining for most of the hours between one and seven, thereby making sustained sleep impossible. Of course by the time we came to pack him up in the cat carrier he was fast asleep, which made it easy to get him in there, but seemed a tad unfair since the humans didn't have the luxury of daytime napping. 

This morning we took ourselves off to Braehead where we subjected ourselves to the twin horrors of IKEA and looking for trousers for me in M & S. I do not understand why it is quite so difficult to find navy/grey/black trousers in a suitable fabric with straight legs these days. Well I say these days, I can't remember the last time I managed to find trousers there without having to trail around acres of  skinny/slimfit/bootcut/cropped/ flared or whatever trousers in lycra, or Jersey, or shiny stuff, or that material that feels horrible on your hand or something that claims to be wool mix and which you can spit through. Honestly I'm half convinced that one day I will pitch up and the  only navy trousers available will be made in crimplene. I did at least remember to check that neither of the pairs I bought had side zips. I also bought a couple of cardigans, they both  fitted and were 2 completely different sizes, so go figure that out ... by this time I was past caring. They had buttons which is a rare thing in a cardigan these days, and they were the right colour and I liked them so size really didn't matter!

As for IKEA I am totally out of love with it. Leaving aside the Sofa Saga, with which I have yet to regale the blog, they seriously need to sort out their  ventilation, because mask wearing in there is seriously uncomfortable. Also I so resent the fact that you have to walk around the whole store even when you know what you want. On the upside they had what I wanted so that was a plus. 

Glasgow is warm and sunny, which is lovely when you're not trailing around a Scandinavian furniture store, so I'm having a quiet afternoon, before going to the opera this evening. Yes  a live performance no less, by Scottish Opera who are doing Falstaff in a marquee in their production studios car park. We're taking son no 2 and we have even ordered refreshments for the interval. It's had rave reviews so it should be a good night.

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