Saturday 15 August 2020

(What passes for) A Busy Week

Tuesday I went to the hairdressers, this afternoon is the library book group on Skype, and yesterday I went to the optometrist. Obviously the way things are just now not everyone can get an appointment, but I am struggling with my sight again so I was allowed to go. The propensity of glasses to steam up when wearing a mask proved slightly problematic throughout!

Anyway I have been referred to the eye unit  at the hospital, which apparently has carried on working more or less throughout the lock down period, to see if the surgeon will agree to laser the thickening capsule around my replacement lens. To say I was surprised at this instant referral would be to understate the case, considering how long and how hard I fought to be referred for the op. in the first place. So it was no surprise to hear the optometrist say 'Normally I would say wait a while' but very  surprising when he said he would refer me straight away. Pleasing though.

It's a while since I read the book which will be under discussion this afternoon (Gallow View by Peter Robinson) so I hope I can remember enough to find something interesting, or at least pertinent, to say. I am still scarred by the memory of the lengthy discussion re the Kirkwall street lighting all those months ago.

1 comment:

  1. Good news on the referral! Good luck with the book club 😉😉
