Friday 21 August 2020

Jug Jug Jug (the most unlikely T S Eliot quote ever)

but I am in fact  talking about an actual jug - to whit, this one:-

Isn't that lovely? I mean, probably only if you have a bit of a thing for jugs, but if you do, isn't it? 

Many years ago when we used to come on holiday to Orkney there was a local ceramicist called Ellie Pearson. She produced lovely work but it was a tad on the expensive side for a youngish couple with a mortgage and two children, and although we promised ourselves each time that we would  buy a piece of her work 'next year' somehow we never did. And then we came one year and she had retired so we had missed our chance. 

On a similar note we have long loved the things that come from the Westray Pottery. We have even bought things from there for other people, and  we promised ourselves that 'one day' we would buy a piece for ourselves. And lo! it came to pass that 'one day' was in fact yesterday. Spurred on by the news in an e-mail from the local craft co-op that the Westray Potter had retired we trotted off down to their shop in The Hope and bought a jug of his before they sold all their remaining stock and we missed our chance again.  It wasn't the OH's favourite, but it was mine. And for once I prevailed. 

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