Sunday 23 August 2020

Anniversary Flowers

In a week's time we shall have been married for forty years. It seems almost impossible that it's been that long. I would say it hasn't felt that long, but then how long does forty years feel?

If things had been normal we would have been flying to Oz about now to spend a few days with my cousin  in Perth before boarding the Indian-Pacific for a train trip across the width of Australia. Well, it wasn't to be. I hope we will manage to do this another year; after all Australia isn't gong anywhere in the meantime. 

We are off next Saturday for a week in the Glorious Kingdom of Fife which, while not exactly a luxury train trip across Australia, is at least doing something to mark the occasion. Because we'll be away on the actual day my sister sent a h-u-g-e bouquet this week. It smells glorious and I've put it on the table in the sunroom, where I am spending a lot of my time these days. It gives me something nice to look at while I knit, rather than l the hugely guilt inducing view of TWWCTG. 

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous flowers! And congratulations on 40 years ❤️
