Sunday 29 December 2019

More Christmas Baking

This was going to be a rant about virtue signalling non Christmas card senders, but I thought better of it because I don't want to unwittingly offend anyone. That said, giving money to charity and sending Christmas cards are not mutually exclusive activities. Are they? No. 

And I'll leave that one there and turn to the topic of Christmas baking. Although if you  looked at the title and thought Great, that must be the Christmas wreath you are doomed to (temporary) disappointment.

Because what we actually made was our first ever Gingerbread House. It came as a kit from my Baking Subscription  people; not part of the monthly offering but an extra that they sell at Christmas time. And since we've never done one I thought it might be fun to have a go. 

I say we since it was a joint effort between the OH and myself. I baked the bits and he did the construction and the decoration. My icing piping skills being nothing to write home about, except in a mocking and derogatory manner, I designated the fiddly bits to him. Et voilà

Here it is under construction

and various views of the finished article. 

I was quite proud of the stained glass windows which are made with crushed boiled sweets. I have seen people do this on Bake Off and thought it must be ever so fiddly to do but actually it's easy peasy. I used some cookie cutters to make some extra bits and thought it was truly inspired of him to take the two candy cane pieces and make them into a sleigh for one of the snowmen. 

So OK its garish and full of sugar but isn't that what gingerbread houses are supposed to be like? 

I tried a bit today - one of the shooting stars from the roof - and regret to report that it was a bit soft and not very gingery. But I suspect it will get eaten for all that. And it was a fun, and new, thing to do. 


  1. It’s not something I’ve ever done, either, but it looks fun 😁

    1. yes, but no-ne is eating it! well I had the shooting stars from the roof. But the house is still intact x days later!

  2. That looks tasty. And I completely agree about the Christmas card refuseniks

    1. so glad it's not just me. And I hope you are keeping well!

  3. I don't send cards. But I also don't 'donate to charity' instead, I just don't do cards. I've not liked doing cards for about 20 years now . . . :-)
    And is one supposed to EAT those gingerbread houses?? We have one the youngest made but is it fit to eat after sitting out for days?
