Monday 29 April 2019

Done and Done

This afternoon I finished the thesis and sent it off to get printed, bound and sent off to Inverness .

I was so tense all morning as I did the last few bits I thought that when I finally pressed the Send button I would feel either an overwhelming sense of joy or relief. In the event I felt nothing. Just numb.

I still can't quite believe that it's done.

Of course I said when the thesis was in that I was going to sleep/otherwise do nothing for a week, but I suspect I won't quite manage that. So much to do .... but it will be odd not to be tethered to the computer for hours every day.

In other news I had a bit of a problem with my eye while we were in Amsterdam last week so I need to see my optometrist for a check up some time soon. Not that he's in a hurry to ring me back to arrange that. 

Amsterdam was mostly fun though, more on that and some pics to come in due course. 


  1. I can see you doing the Happy Dance!

    Fingers crossed that it's nothing much with your eyes. Maybe eye strain from the last of the computer work.

    Wishing you a good week.
