Thursday 18 April 2019

All is not welll

chez nous, just at present.

I have been mega-stressed for days about my thesis, not helped by one of my supervisors coming up with a shed load of suggested improvements only two weeks before submission day. I just cried.

However we have picked ourselves up, shaken ourselves down, Taken a View, Taken Advice, Taken our Blood Pressure,  and currently I'm doing the boring  small print revision - full stops behind citations, colon or semi-colon, use of the same word far too often - that sort of thing. And always the difficulties over about  referencing.

I have had some long days and very late nights and it's all made me quite ill - BUT, we're nearly there. I'm spending the rest of today on it, then tomorrow we go off to Amsterdam for a few days, via Glasgow. When we get back I've got the weekend to pull it together and send off for printing. And then I will be free. Or comatose!

Really looking forward to Amsterdam; really looking forward to the day when I press 'Send' on the button and it's all over, bar the viva.


  1. You've got this! The finish line is in take a deep breath and forge ahead.

    Wishing you a wonderful time in Amsterdam.

  2. Thank you so much Debbie. I'm hoping the time in Amsterdam will relax me and also get me rested so that I have the energy to make a sprint for that finishing line when we get back. It is SO close!

  3. I am looking forward to reading the final result!
