Wednesday 20 February 2019

Baking Subscription February

So this month it was apple and pecan buns, a close relative of the cinnamon buns I was bought the box for at Christmas.  There's not a great deal to say about them really, they were easy, if a bit time consuming, to make, and they taste gorgeous. And although if I were doing them not from a kit, I possibly wouldn't bother with the icing, it is a nice finishing touch and not a step too far, unlike the swiss meringue buttercream last month!

In other news I am feeling much better so suspect the virus is finally on the run; still tired though, which presumably accounts for me almost falling asleep yesterday during the Great British Sewing Bee. It's not at all boring (if you like that sort of thing) so the sleepiness must just be a hangover from the virus. So it's back to writing up the thesis again today. I have a cunning plan to get the next chapter done and ready to send off by Monday morning ... fingers crossed. 


  1. So glad to hear you’re coming out the other side!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
