Saturday 17 October 2015

More Knitting for Marcus

As the Canadian branch have now received the parcel with the warm weather clothes we sent for Marcus I can show off the knitting that was included in it.

That said I have no idea whether either my son or my daughter-in-law do the really uncool thing of actually reading my blog, but just, you know,  in case, I didn't want to spoil the surprise.

Anyway there was a fairly standard jumper

I fiddled with the neck a bit but otherwise it's more or less as the pattern appeared in the magazine.
And then there was the gorgeous Drops jacket. When my sister saw this in the summer when it was only partially completed she laughed at it, although I don't know why. I think it's a fantastic design and I am knitting another one, for someone else because I like the pattern so much. That said it is a bit of a slog to knit but the pay off is there is hardly any sewing up to do, just the sleeves, so that's a bonus. And it looks, I think, really good.

Sent some fleecy trousers as well to go with them. Well, it is Canada and over there 'Winter is Coming' isn't just a typically mordant reminder from Sean Bean before he had his head chopped off!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic jacket! I hope the poor little mite is nice and warm this winter.
