Friday 2 October 2015

A Flying Visit to Glasgow

We did this almost two weeks ago now and I can't believe that I haven't already blogged about it. We really do get more use out of that Glasgow flat than I ever dreamed we would.

We went down for a Scottish Opera party really. Over the past couple of years we have become more involved with Scottish Opera, if by more involved you realise I mean we give them money. In return they ask us to events and although these are often in Glasgow and therefore we cannot often go we do try to make some of them. It helps that Glasgow is really growing on me as a place to visit. I never knew it very well before, but I usually look forward to going nowadays.
The party was for people who had sponsored the up-coming Carmen revival and was very enjoyable, even for anti-social, not very party people like us. There was plenty to eat and drink, all on a Spanish theme, and although I was obliged to wave away all the things that contained olives or seafood, that still left me with plenty to choose from. The desserts were generally more my cup of tea than the savoury nibbles, but then that is usually the case; some seed type cake, orange tarts, turron and the most beautiful chocolate covered almonds. The catering was done by La Bonne Auberge and it would be churlish not to give them a shout out for both the food and the staff. Food was followed by a short talk from the director and the conductor, and then a couple of the cast did a 'turn'. There was also an opportunity to get dressed up in suitable Carmen costumes and have a photo taken but we passed on that, because we're miserable types who don't do that sort of thing!!
Earlier in the day I had met up with a new-ish Ravelry friend at The Yarn Cake : again it would be totally churlish not to put in a link to this very friendly place that is equally dedicated to selling lovely yarn and gorgeous cake. We had a good long chat and some cake and surprisingly enough (cough cough) I bought some wool. Not much to be fair. I knew I was going to get some for a baby jacket, because I have three up-coming babies to knit for, and that is about 40% done already. Other than that, I only splashed out on a ball of sock wool, and only because it was such lovely colours I couldn't bear to leave it on the shelf.
On the way back to Orkney  we dropped into the Eden Court Theatre in Inverness and bought our tickets for Carmen, which we will be seeing towards the end of the month. Report in due course, but of course, like almost everything else I mention these days, that will be After Poland.

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