Thursday, 18 June 2015

Oh Look! A Nice Cup of Tea

And yes, there is a bit more to it than that. Yesterday we spent some time in Cardiff Bay (it's not just about the singing here) and to finish off the afternoon we went to a place called Cadwaladers for an ice cream sundae. The OH has fond memories of Cadwaladers ice cream from many many holidays in Wales when he was a boy. I was quite a long way through mine before I slapped my forehead and said 'Oh, I should have taken a picture of this for the blog'. I'm always forgetting stuff like that. But then - the fire alarm went off. And every single person in the café just carried on eating and drinking. Stoicism or stupidity? Who knows? We were no exception, we couldn't smell smoke, we couldn't see flames and we'd just handed over  tenner for some icy chocolate and mint confection, so we weren't going anywhere.
Sadly it took quite a long time for the manageress to find out how to switch off the alarm (no there really wasn't a fire) and even longer actually to do it. And it was a nasty noise. Even so, we were very surprised when she toured the tables once silence had fallen and offered us whatever we liked to soothe our nerves, on the house. Good service is not dead!
We opted for just a pot of tea - as above. I don't know that our nerves needed soothing particularly, but ice cream does make you thirsty.

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