Saturday 1 June 2013

So Tomorrow We Go Away

which is a Good Thing because I am in a fairly snarly snarky mood just at present which has a lot to do with having had very little time to myself for what feels like weeks but is probably only about 4 days. (It doesn't take long to throw me off kilter!) The early mornings and stress of scans, presentations and research meetings hasn't helped. Nor did today. The people coming into our holiday flat assured me that they would come straight from the ferry and arrive at two. They finally pitched up at half past three with nary a word of apology or explanation and I may have been a bit abrupt with the 'hereiseverythingandthisiswhatyoudowithitall' speech. When we go on self catering holidays we turn up on time, unlike this lot, and unlike last week's who I asked to arrive not before 3.00 and agreed and who then turned up merrily at 2.00. For two pins (not literally) I'd sell the place tomorrow.
It is also a Bad Thing. I do not feel like driving the length of the British Isles over two days just at present because I know the noise of the car engine will drive me crackers and I will hiss and draw in breath every time the car so much as passes over a small bump. I do not want then to end up spending three days at the home of my frail and elderly mother-in-law, because it is my considered opinion that having us to stay is too much for her and we should be staying in a hotel somewhere close, rather than inflicting ourselves upon her. OH quite blasé about problems this will cause; 'she won't need to cook for us all, we can all eat out'. Oh yes, of course we can.
As a reward for good behaviour I do get a night in Sale on the way back so that I can visit the Lady Lever Art Gallery in Port Sunlight which is stuffed with, amongst other good things, lots of Pre-Raphaelite paintings. This is a small consolation because it has been on my to-do list for many years, and really, how we never managed it in the 18 years we lived in Leeds I don't know. I am hoping there is a good gift shop with a well stocked puzzle section as  I suspect my currently overwound state needs at least one good new jigsaw puzzle and some peace and quiet in which to do it to effect an improvement.
We will also be taking a quick detour form the most direct route to visit Son no 1, his wife and his child, and that is also a small consolation.
Neither of the small consolations at present is adding up to make the trip seem more of a pleasure than a pain, and it will be a cold day in hell before I suggest or agree to anything like it again.

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