Sunday 23 June 2013

Proud as a Proud Thing!

Son number two is training to be an actor (or for more or less permanent unemployment, depending on whether you're an optimist or pessimist by nature) and a couple of weekends ago he had his first paid acting job.

Kirkcaldy were re-launching their museum and art gallery and they had a big weekend doing it with all sorts of exciting people visiting like Jack Vettriano and Val McDermid. Also a local politician called Gordon. As part of the celebrations they auditioned some students from son no 2's course and picked five to wander about, in costume, and deliver little scenes about important people who are associated with  the history of the town. 
So if you were in Kirkcaldy for the relaunch, and were accosted by a young man in 18th C dress who said he was Adam Smith - then that was my son. He got his costume provided and he got paid and everything. We were thrilled.
We were  promised a photo, hence the delay in the report. It has yet to appear although I haven't quite given up hope yet.

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