Monday 14 January 2013

Sad, Sick and Lemon Loaves

The poor blog has been sadly neglected of late while I succumbed to some version or other of the winter flu bug. OH sadly went downwith it too, and it must have been bad because he actually took something for it and did spend a half day in bed. This is practically unheard of because OH, like many men when ill, likes to suffer in full view, and make pathetic attempts to stick to a normal routine thus eliciting sympathy. Actually all it elicits from me is irritation and the repeatedly expressed wish that he would take himself and his germs off to bed like any sane person does when sick, but that apparently is 'giving in', and that is Not a Good Thing To Do.

I became convinced that I would never be well; I knew I wasn't dying, I just thought I would never ever feel normal  again. However here I am, and although still a bit congested and not as awake as I might like, feeling almost chipper.

I was knocked out of my trough of self pity early last week when I heard from a friend who had just suffered a sudden and devastating bereavement. Suddenly Foggy Brain and Runny Nose Disease seemed an insufficient reason to be lying on a sofa with a box of tissues emitting the occasional moan. Worse things happen not just at sea, but on land, as my friend's experience shows. Taken all in all I am a very lucky person, and last week I realised that all over again.

Moving on, I am sufficiently recovered to have spent some of this afternoon in the kitchen making the lemon loaf cakes that I was planning on making on the afternoon of the Great Ankle Snap. [Please note careful lack of attribution of guilt to any person, even those of a thespian persuasion, in regard to this incident. We are not bitter and have left all that behind.] The cakes  look OK, in fact they look very nice, but would it be heresy to express the opinion that Mary Berry gets some of her timings a bit off? Since she is the Queen of Baking I suspect it would and obviously I am doing something wrong, although I'm da***d if I know what!

Be that as it may I am obviously as back on top of things as I ever get which means that tomorrow, in between visiting the physiotherapist and the dentist (lucky me!), I will be re-arranging the much delayed e-resource training at the college library and also asking UHI Admin once again what the hold up is with my Registration. They need to find a new reason, because the old one, to my sure and certain knowledge, no longer holds. So hey-ho! back to the fray.

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