Monday 2 September 2024

Wool Stats for August and Finished Projects

This was a good month for the stash reduction project. Wool in was NIL. Yes, no new wool came into the house at all in August. Which was great. Wool out was 925g; of that 200g was sold, 100g was gifted and the rest was all knitted up. So overall stash reduction for the year to date is 7922g, which is a huge win. 

Early warning, the figures for September may not look quite so bright .... meanwhile here are the photographs of the finished things. 

I made three pairs of socks in August, one pair was for a swap and it seems that I totally forgot to take  a photo before I sent them off. They were done in West Yorkshire Spinners in turquoise with a contrast heel and toe from their peacock colour - the other way round to the ones I did for the OH a couple of months back. 

The other two pairs were these

This pair was for the OH, made from a self striping golfball from Giddy Yarns. Helen has given up doing these, and they were always quite difficult to get hold of as they were so popular, so I was lucky to get this one a few years ago. I found it as I was going through a yarn box where it had no business being, and rather than put it in the box where it should be I decided just to cast it on. It came in the form of a 70g sock set and there were only inches of the self striping left at the end; it would have been less hard on my nerves had I done the cuffs in the contrast colour but I wasn't sure I had enough to do that.  For reference I would have! Not inclined to use a 70g set for him again, though it should be fine for me, because I have smaller feet. 

These were for me, the pattern is Paddington Station socks and the yarn is another old Giddy Yarns one called Strawberry and Vanilla. It was nesting with the self striping and again rather than move it I used it. ( By the way there is going to be a 'thing' going on with my socks over the next few months, I wonder if any readers will spot it.)

I completed another of the baby jumpers that had been languishing for so long, this time the blue one.

Also in the box I found a kit that I bought years and years ago; it was for a very colourful and textured  type jacket made mainly of Colinette yarns. I was persuaded to by it against my better judgement really and the fact that I never even cast it on says volumes. I split up the yarn and sold 2 skeins and gave away another two. Then I used two on this fringed scarf

I've never knitted a fringe before and it looked fun. I wasn't 100% happy with the pattern and felt the whole thing came out a little small but it was fine after an aggressive block. It should be useful as it will go with almost every coat and jacket that I own. There was a very small amount of yarn left over  which meant Poppy the Penguin got yet another blanket

That left three skeins from the kit and I have a project on my needles that will use up two more and I know what I'm planning to do with the final skein. Which is pleasing. 

I recently won a small competition in a group I'm in on Ravelry and my prize was a pattern from my list of favourites. The one the prizegiver chose was Copenhagen Building Blocks and I made two of the blocks this month. I'm using my Seashore Colours Mini Club yarns from Henny Penny Makes for these; I was pleased to find a project for them. Eventually they should make a stunning throw. 

And that was it apart from a few small items and I'll leave those because some of them aren't quite finished i.e. they need seaming and buttons putting on. Maybe at the end of September I'll manage a photo of those. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love the look of the Copenhagen Building Blocks!! Bonus that they will use those lovely mini skeins :)
