Saturday 7 September 2024

Surely one of these will strike a chord

So I just did a very long and fairly amusing post about my visit to the library yesterday but sadly Blogger was playing silly beggars and not only would it not let me add any photos, it wouldn't do anything else either. No italics, no formatting, and in the end no publishing either and then it lost the draft. Cross?  Just a bit.

After a lot of faffing about the problem seems to be resolved, but as so often with these things I have no idea how it happened, so if the problem recurs I'll be no nearer knowing what to do to rectify it than I was this morning. And this was after, I should mention, Blogger absolutely refusing to let me write anything at all last night.

Anyway I went to the library yesterday (and the supermarket, without my stick for the first time since I came back from Finland) and it's as well a few books caught my eye because my knee is letting me know that it doesn't appreciate being overworked yesterday. Since tomorrow it's going to have to climb a steep set of stairs on a ferry, today it gets rested so it's a good thing I have a few books to read. 

Three of the books are crime fiction. Karin Slaughter I know and sometimes like, depending on how horrible the things being done to women are  in any given book. Cara Hunter I have read before but somehow she had dropped off my radar, so I am grateful for a reminder in the comments on a previous post. Mari Hannah is new to me but it looked promising and I chose to read it first, I'm about a third of the way through and enjoying it so far. The other one is the first in a fantasy trilogy, and yes, I checked and yes books 2 and 3 are written and yes the library has them both. No more unwitting GRRM type traps for me, thank you very much. Of course I may not enjoy it, in which case the fact that the author has bothered to finish her series will be irrelevant.  But it's important to know these things nowadays in case book 1 is a winner. I'll let you know how I get on. 

Postie just came, very early, something complicated to do with yesterdays fog and todays fog and planes, whatever - he brought some happy mail but that will be a post for another day. 


1 comment:

  1. I own a Mari Hannah, but haven't started it, and I don't know the trilogy author at all. I look forward to hearing your reactions! Good luck with the knee tomorrow xx
