Tuesday 7 May 2024

The Great Wool Sort Out Update 3

First off the stats, which are disappointing in that I ended the month with a net increase.The numbers were Wool In - 984g, Wool Out -  734g,  which was a net increase of 250g. Part of the large amount of yarn in was the clubs which was expected, and part of it was receiving quite  a large amount of yarn. much more than anticipated,  in  a swap. I didn't use up quite as much as I would have liked either because I took on two very time consuming projects in April which, although lovely when finished, seemed to take ages to do and didn't use up much wool. I am still 3179g down on the year to date though, so that's good.   

And look! what is this? 

This my friends is Box 2 and it is empty. Hooray! Some of the wool in there got sold, some of it got given away, some of it got used up. Some of it went into other boxes; the stuff I have specific plans for went back into Box 1 to wait until I have time to carry out said plans, some 4 ply went into the big 4 ply box and some stuff I was unsure about moved into Box 4 to be considered at a later date. But I have an empty box and that's a win. 

Here is Box 3 which is being dealt with in May and June. 

To the left of the demarcating carrier bag are all my commercial sock yarn left overs. The right side has various other left overs of different weights, some of which I will sell and some of which will doubtless find its way to the charity shop.  

My plan for the sock yarn is to hold it double and crochet a granny stripe blanket and to this end I added to the box all my partial balls of West Yorkshire Spinners* sock wool, after which it looked like this.

I have rather gone off WYS for socks as I find it both splitty and too thin, and there is always loads left. Some people might call that value for money, and I can't argue with that. But I would prefer a plumper softer yarn with less yardage to the ball, because then there is less left over to hang about  cluttering  up the yarn storage because, while there is too little to be of much practical use, there is too much to throw away. Hence the granny stripe blanket, which I have been told will use up mountains of yarn.  I have started this today, very carefully and following a You Tube tutorial, because I have very little confidence in my crocheting abilities. I'd like to get more confident and expand my crochet skills and although a granny stripe blanket will not do much to teach me anything new, it will hopefully make me more confident. I am on row three and so far it looks fine ....

* Yes that does live elsewhere. The six plastic boxes contain my main stash but I also have two sets of small plastic drawers where I keep specific sorts of yarn; my very small stash of cotton yarn, my mini skeins, some other bits, and my WYS yarn. The full and partial balls of the WYS took up two of the drawers  but  after I had removed the partial balls to be put into the blanket, I found I could fit the rest of the WYS into one drawer rather than two. So a double win really; an empty box and an empty drawer. Go me. 


  1. The Granny stripe blanket is an excellent idea for using up all the sock wool! If you have any problems with it, you know where I am x

  2. Why did I enlarge the photos and closely examine the various things therein whilst thinking 'ooh, that looks nice' when I have a LARGE stash of my own and DO NOT NEED MORE? It's a disease, I tell you, a disease!

  3. Well I think the reason is that you are a knitter and obviously need to look as closely as possible at photographs of wool! Just in case you are missing something.
