Thursday 16 May 2024

I need something soothing

 since I have discovered this morning that all the carefully collected information that it took so long to amass and then send to the insurance company yesterday did not arrive 'probably because our server could not cope with all of the attachments'. Since you are obliged to pursue your claim by sending a lot of documents and since they have to be attached to an e-mail this was not music to my ears. If they won't let you deal with your local branch and you can't send them the paper through the post the least they could do in my opinion is ensure that their s*dding server can cope with all the bumph it gets sent. 

I have now sent them three more e-mails with fewer attachments on each but since their server has only auto-acknowledged one I have a feeling it has only accepted one and the other two are still languishing somewhere in the ether. This fills me with neither joy not confidence. 

I am totally frazzled, I cannot settle to anything (not even knitting!) I tell myself all the things like 'the ball is in  their court' and 'you have done as much as you can' and  'park it until you hear back' etc etc but none of these helps.  Nor does it help reflecting that none of this is my fault - not the original cancellation of the holiday, nor the limited capacity of the insurer's server, and yet I am the one with shredded nerves wandering round unable to function. I know all the stuff about how life isn't fair and you shouldn't expect it to be but in this instance I do feel other people could be making more of an effort to make it slightly less unfair than it is. 

I was going to post some beautiful photos of a Japanese garden that we visited the day before our ill-fated flight to London but somehow I can't being myself to do it today. Maybe tomorrow if the insurance people have stepped up to the plate. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, ffs! That's *appalling* customer service 🤬🤬
