Saturday 11 May 2024

A Lovely Surprise

I was expecting a parcel yesterday from the  the Glasgow Soap Company which duly arrived and yes, do click the link, their stuff is gorgeous and they're very quick to deliver. No surprise then that their parcel arrived when they said it would, but very surprised to be also handed a very long thin box from postie marked Bloom and Wild. Which, when I opened it, contained a lovely selection of flowers, as above, and a consolatory card from my sister because of my lost holiday. 

It was a lovely thought and the flowers are gorgeous. I photographed them in the usual place on the front hall window sill but then moved them into the living room because in there I can find somewhere that's not in direct sunlight, so helping them to last longer.

I was half expecting another parcel which didn't come yesterday but did arrive today. More on that tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how lovely! I've had flowers from Bloom & Wild before, and they have lasted really well x
