Thursday 9 May 2024

Completed Projects April

I spent some time in April knitting up my Little Grey Cells Club Yarn but that's far from completed so doesn't count. 

There was the standard non-knitting project, this time a cross stitch card

It's lovely but it took a very long time to stitch. Don't think that's an experience I'll be repeating. 

Then there were two pairs of socks

These were for me; pattern Oh Hello Socks and the wool was Giddy Yarns Poisoned Apple from a fairy tale themed club she did a few years ago. 

Anyone thinking these might look vaguely familiar would be right; I tried making them as a Christmas present for the OH several years ago. They didn't fit, because I hadn't taken in that the wool I was using was DK weight and had therefore used my normal needles and cast on numbers for 4 ply. I had a lot of the yarn left over - goodness only knows why I bought so much of it in the first place - and I had always meant to have another go. The yarn was languishing in Box 2 so doing them was a bit of a no brainer. I have to say he was thrilled with them and here they are being modelled. They looked huge as they were being knitted but they fitted well. Possibly neither of us appreciate quite how big his feet are.

And finally there was a cowl; yet another iteration of the Anne of Green Gables Sampler Cowl. It wasn't meant to be, I had originally intended just to use the numbers and i-cord edging and make the centre all moss stitch. However it quickly became apparent that if I stuck to that plan I might be wearing the cowl by the time I was 75, or I might not. The yarn was supposed to be fingering weight, which I sort of doubted since it was  called Ella Rae Lace Merino but everywhere I looked said it was definitely not lace weight - and I suppose it isn't, but it ain't a particularly robust 4ply either. I've had this in my stash for years, having got it in a swap and never really known what to do with it, but I loved the colours too much to give it away. I'm pleased I've used it up and I'm pleased with the result, so win/win I suppose. 

I honestly don't feel it was a very productive month; fingers crossed for better, or at least more, things in May!

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