Monday 8 April 2024

Latest Jigsaw

I got this at Christmas and it took me a while to pluck up the courage to give it a go. I daresay it's obvious why. It's not quite the double sided plate of baked beans puzzle that makes me wonder why on earth anyone would want to do it, but the limited colour palette and the fact that all the pieces were the same shape did make it harder than some others I have done.  It was a challenge but mostly I enjoyed doing it. It's called The Real Women of Greek Myths and I was rather startled by the eclectic nature of their clothing, some of which is very 'not ancient Greek'. There was a poster inside identifying all the characters with a brief description by the inimitable Natalie Haynes.  Not quite how I envisaged some of them, but that just made it more interesting really. 

Next up, when I can bring myself to disassemble this one, will be something rather more traditional. 

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