Tuesday 12 March 2024

We Did Valentine's Day!

Long term readers here will know that Valentine's Day is a bit of a hit and miss affair in our household. Sometimes we 'do it' , sometimes we don't, sometimes one of us does and the other doesn't - although all credit to the OH whose 'doing' is  a bit more consistent than mine. 

This year we both got our acts together. I got him the cutest Emma Bridgewater Valentine mug

and he got me Lego flowers rather than real ones. Upside they don't die or produce pollen or take up life in a vase that then needs washing; downside, I suppose, bits still fall off. Not that bits are falling off yet as we haven't made it up, and I have a busy week coming up, but maybe we will tackle it at the weekend. We are away next week; a flying trip to Stockholm, so it would be good to have it done before that really. 

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