Saturday 2 March 2024

The Great Wool Sort Out - Update 2

So stats for February. 

Wool In totalled totalled 252g, which was 120g gifted to me plus 132g that came in the form of 6 small balls on the front of a magazine. which I bought thinking I would make one of the cover projects as a practice crochet piece. In the event when I saw it in the magazine it wasn't quite what I was expecting or wanted. so I'll have to find something else to do with the small balls of not very good quality DK, but I'm sure inspiration will strike.

Wool out came to 1226g; much of this was either gifted or sent to a local charity shop but some of it was knitted up. Net  reduction in stash for February was 974g which wasn't as good as January but still satisfying. 

So that was the end of my allotted time for box 1 which started January looking like this

and ended February looking like this 

which I think we can all agree is a big improvement.

Box 2 for March and April looked like this when I got it out on Thursday

and when emptied onto the bed the pile looked like this

I took out various ones to try and sell; one or two should never have been in that box in the first place and will be moved, and I have definite plans for quite a lot of the rest. So I'm quite hopeful this box will look a lot emptier by the end of April.  Let's hope so because I know I have some pre-ordered yarn arriving early in April. 

I'll post pics of the projects I completed in February another day; this seems enough woolly talk for now. 

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