Sunday 17 March 2024

It's been a while...

Months in fact, since I was able to have my nails done. Sadly the woman who did them has been struggling with a chronic health condition but she is now on her way to recovery and is starting up her business again. As soon as I saw the Facebook post about her return I messaged her and made an appointment; such a lovely coincidence that she is returning just about the time we were planning to go away. 

I went along yesterday and although I had been fantasising about revisiting my inner Goth and decorating them with ravens, skulls and red roses, in the event it was such a lovely sunny day that I opted for something sunny and springlike for my nails. 

Like so

Click if you want to see them more clearly. I used to follow a blog where the writer said 'click to embiggen' and I often wondered what she had against the word 'enlarge'. 

Obviously not being able to have decorated nails wasn't the end of the world and I didn't repine, but it is lovely to have them done again. A little thing, but it lifts my spirits. I am already plotting about what to have in May when we go off to the Loire but meanwhile, given that according to my own personal weather reporter - i.e. the OH with his phone -   temperatures in Stockholm are still low and they are even having the odd flurry of snow,   a reminder of the approaching spring will be no bad thing. 

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