Thursday 15 February 2024

Just in time

 I finished another jigsaw puzzle. Put the last piece in this morning and we're off this evening, following our new habit of spending the night on the boat so that we can do the early sailing from Stromness without having to get up at the crack of dawn to drive over there in the morning. It's quite enjoyable really, the cabins are comfortable and there's a lounge with hot drinks, magazines and pastries. Last time of course they were having problems with the heating so that wasn't so very comfortable really but fingers crossed that won't happen again. "We dock on the other side of the Firth at 8.00 so you get the drive south off to a flying start. 

We have been so prepared for this that I am now at a loose end for the rest of the day until we leave. I have packed, I have changed the bed ready for  our return and I have even had a very thorough tidy out of the top drawer of my desk which has needed done these many years. I shall knit and read this afternoon and then we'll have an early tea and be off. 

Meanwhile here is the jigsaw 

The World of Hercule Poirot, which was a (requested) Christmas present from my sister.  It was a bit of a challenge as there's a lot of very dark brown and a lot of beigey/greigey stuff and lots of little details that your eye just doesn't take in when you first look at the picture. There are apparently 100 references to the Poirot books in it, all detailed on a poster and we shall enjoy playing the game of Spot the Reference when we get back. 

Meanwhile we're looking forward to a couple of days in Glasgow complete with a trip to the opera to see Scottish Opera's new production of Johnathan Dove's opera Marx in London. It's very modern having been written in 2018 (as far as I remember) but we loved the other Dove (Flight) SO did a few years ago  so I'm optimistic. Not looking forward to getting to and from the theatre as Glasgow has introduced a Low Emission Zone in the city centre. This means not taking the car in but catching the bus. Actually that's great for the wallet as it means no parking charges, and being old we get free bus travel throughout Scotland, but not so convenient, nor so warm, as taking the car. 

So off tonight and back on Sunday and hopefully with a few photos and things to write about. 


  1. I looked into the overnight cabin lark but the extra cost plus having a dog mean I remained dedicated to the Pentalina / Alfred (if we ever get Alfie back that is.)

    1. we use our vouchers and there's an OAP reduction so it costs us very little. Don't know how the dog affects things because we don't have one, although there is a 'dog friendly' lounge on the Hamnavoe. We were big Pentland Ferry fans but not any more.
