Friday 6 October 2023

Have I stopped -

doing jigsaw puzzles I hear you ask, and the answer is No, although the latest one almost drove me to it. 

Here it is in all its finished glory. 

I thought when I bought it that it would make a nice memento of my trip to Paris earlier in the year, but it wasn't. It was really hard going and I had to resort to doing it by shape rather than colour rather earlier than expected. The only thing that kept me going was my determination not to be defeated by 1000 small pieces of cardboard.  Now that it's done, the only feeling it engenders in me is one of deep loathing. 

Unsurprisingly it is destined for the library as I certainly never want to do the thing again.

I did buy myself a puzzle while I was away so that may be the next one I do, but I'm leaving this one up for a couple of days just so that I can hiss 'I beat you in the end' at it every time I pass the kitchen table. 

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