Monday 10 July 2023

A Grand Day (Out and Otherwise)

Gold Star for those who picked up the Wallace and Grommit reference there. 

It was a morning for chores; two lots of washing and A Good Clean for the dining chairs, after which I had an early lunch and then we jumped in the car and went over to Stenness to the Ness of Brodgar dig, which was 'opened' or at least uncovered  last week, but has yet to receive its full complement of diggers for the season. 

Some photos of some magnificent neolithic stonework

and some archaeologists digging up more of it. We saw several people we know and stopped for chats and then had a quick look in the little shop they have there. Didn't buy anything, largely because we will probably be back again before the end of the season. 

We then went off to Geri's Ice Cream parlour. Mine is the cone as I find the desserts just too much these days. It had one scoop of coffee and one scoop of gin and raspberry ice cream. The other one is the OH's; it's a Bounty Surprise, so chocolate ice cream ( 3 scoops) coconut sauce, cream and a flake. 


When we got back there was a bumper selection of post; a flyer from the post office about doing sub postmasters out of a job by buying your postage at a discount on-line, a bill for the electrical work done in the OH's office which came in at rather more than I expected and rather less than the OH did, a post card from the Lake District where my sister has been on holiday, two skeins of wool and a parcel with three books. I started one of the books almost straight away, and had to drag myself away from it to eat my tea, then I phoned my sister for a long chat and I was then going to take myself off to bed to read some more of the book before I realised I hadn't done a blog post today. 

But now I have. And tomorrow I must get back to more about Paris. I can see already that the adventures away from home post-Paris are going to have to wait until after we get back from Finland. Life suddenly got full and exciting almost without me noticing. 

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