Thursday 8 June 2023

Books to Read Poster No 49


My photos of the little pictures do not improve, although some of it is to do with the light in the room where the poster now lives. 

Anyway this one was Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian. I hadn't read it before and was dreading having to as I had got the impression that it was horribly sentimental and had a sad end. 

Despite the fact that it is sentimental in places and does have several sad things happen in it I loved it. It was funny and touching and sad and uplifting and optimistic and I wish I'd been able to read it when I was young because I would have loved it even more. 

We have had a run of hits, but I suspect it is about to come crashing to an untimely end. 

Meanwhile although this didn't get me to the half way mark, by careful ordering from the library I have achieved one noteworthy goal - 

finally! one complete vertical line.


  1. I had the same reaction when someone gave me a copy - and, like you, I loved it when I read it. It's so well-written!

  2. I presume the titles are visible before you rub off the silver stuff - I have been wondering for ages how it works and for some reason seeing the poster lead to a sudden inspiration! (This has NOTHING to do with a rapidly approaching deadline, your honour . . . )
