Tuesday 2 November 2021

Well, it made a change from socks


I'm about to put up  a picture of a whimsical bit of knitting that I did, the piece that drew so many ribald remarks on Facebook from friends who I thought would have known better. 

It was all the worse because I'm not known for whimsy and I was really quite pleased with how this uncharacteristically whimsical  piece turned out - which means, much better than I expected. 

However, once bitten twice shy and all that so before I put up the picture I'm going to say what it is. It is a female gnome,  from a pattern by Sarah of Imagined Landscapes. Sarah is a Canadian designer who  has made something of a speciality of producing patterns for cute gnomes and running KALs for people to knit them to.

This is Vigdis, who was my 'practice' gnome. I've got another one  part finished; she had to go on the back burner while I made more and more socks, plus a rather special present of which more soon, but I will be getting back to work on her very shortly. Which is a good thing because there is an Advent Gnome KAL starting on 1st December and I'd like this one finished before that one starts. 

Meanwhile here is Vigdis