Thursday 25 November 2021

Baking Subscription November


This is described as pecan pie slice. 

There is no pastry.

How then can it be a pie? 

OK, it's not a pie, but what it is, is a rich gorgeous cake base with an equally rich, although quite sparse, caramelly topping full of pecans. With a bit of drizzled white chocolate just to finish. 

I moaned about this almost all the way through, starting off with the brown butter, which I find tricky. It's a bit like my lemon curd which never thickens in the time the recipe says it will; equally the butter in this did not brown in the 12-15 minutes they said it would take. Why can't I just melt it and be done, was the burden of my song while I stood like one o' clock half struck , stirring melted butter. I wouldn't mind so much if it smelt nice, but it doesn't does it? It smells like sick. In fact to my mind they only cooking smell worse than melted butter is hot orange juice. That said, it did give the cake a lovely treacly flavour, so I suppose it was all worth it. After moaning about that I moaned about the fact that, contrary to usual experience, there was not enough topping and definitely not enough chocolate for the drizzling. Moan, moan, moan. Moan, moan, moan. 

But you know what? It was so worth it. 


  1. Looks lush, but you can keep this one - I can’t eat nuts. Well, I can, but only if you don’t mind me throwing up! And my stomach itching. On the inside. /shudder/

    1. sounds awful. Internal stomach itching, ugh. I have enough trouble with external itching now I've reached a certain age. The cake IS lush and as there are no nuts actually in it, it could be topped with something else. I did say to the OH earlier today that what I thought it needed was a touch of ginger in the cake batter - I've been watching too much Bake Off and Masterchef, obvs!
