Sunday 13 June 2021

RIP A Good Intention


A few years ago when I was doing Project 60 one of the things I tried was toe up socks. And this is the toe up sock that I did. I found it so awful to do, that I put it this completed  one to one side meaning to do the other one 'one day'. The 'one day' arrived a couple of months back, but when I dug it out I discovered that actually the one sock I had done had taken up something more than half my yarn and that ergo, making  a matching sock was not going to be possible. 

I could say I was heartbroken by this. I was not. I very happily pulled the sock out, and the yarn is now back in stash waiting for me to discover what it wants to be instead of a large bright unfinished pair of toe up socks. 

See, not everything I try is a success! 


  1. I’ve just experimented with my first pair of toe up socks, and wondered why I’d never tried them before. Wouldn’t it be boring if we all liked the same stuff? ;)

    1. yes it would! the toe up aspect was OK tbh, and I loved the way the heel turned out but I had so much trouble doing the cast on that it put me off. It didn't help that it turned out way too big and even if there had been enough yarn for both they would have had to go to Andre as they would never have fitted me.
