Monday 13 April 2020

Well, I wasn't.

Well that is. I was quite poorly for a lot of last week, with what appeared to be a gum infection. This was a bit of a wake up call for me as it is a long time now since I have actually had a dentist and when you have  gum infection, who're you gonna call? Your dentist. Because even in normal times, if it's your mouth, your doctor doesn't want to know.

The OH has a dentist. We both had a dentist a long time ago but the practice closed down and one of the partners set up on his own and the the OH went with him. Since I had always refused to see him (after the first time when he was exceedingly rude and told me that if I didn't; floss my teeth I was going to die of a heart attack) I did not follow suit. I decided I would save myself the monthly fee plus the cost of treatment, because finding an NHS dentist on Orkney was like finding -well, hen's teeth, to be honest and apt both -  and manage without. Which I have done now for several happy trouble free years. well trouble free until now. So after we are all let out of our incarceration and can lead what will pass for normal lives again I must apply myself to finding a dentist. It still won't be the one who prophesied my death though. 

The other concerning thing about this was how long it took to shake off. I have had these sore spots on gum/cheek before and they disappeared within 3 days. This lasted much longer and I suppose is just a reminder, as though anybody needed it just now, of how the immune system becomes less efficient as we get older.

Anyway I took to treating it with some revolting Corsodyl stuff the OH had that is supposed to be good for treating gum disease and things started to improve, possibly because of the revolting stuff and possibly just coincidentally, but either way by Saturday I felt almost human again, although not energetic enough to write the blog.  This would have been a different post had I not been having trouble with the photo app on my laptop but I am hoping to get that sorted shortly. I certainly hope so because realising it wasn't working was ne of several very irritating things today, and I'd really rather the irritation didn't spill over into tomorrow.  

1 comment:

  1. That sounds horrible - glad you’re getting better now! I agree, boycott the rude guy...
