Wednesday 1 April 2020


That is Morven, the reindeer we are sponsoring. Morven is part of The Cairngorm Reindeer Herd and the income they depend on to look after the reindeer comes from visitors. Current times mean their facilities are all closed - ergo: no income just now, but continuing costs.

I had decided in the post election post brexit gloom that my charitable giving this year would all be animal based, because it seems to me that all sorts of animas suffer from all sorts of things inflicted on them by humans. Humans know what they are doing, but the animals don't. It's not that humans don't do terrible things to other humans, but at the beginning of the year I rather despaired of humanity so animals it was. 

I fear I may be turning into mad old cat lady but there again maybe as we get older lots of us despair of the human race and that's why old ladies leave their money to animal charities. Who knows? For whatever reason, it's animals this year, and this was my March  donation. 

I hope that when the world gets back to normal, or at least when we are once again allowed to travel freely, that we will mange a visit to the CRH and attempt to see Morven for ourselves. If we do there will doubtless be a report of the visit here and more pictures. 


  1. I’d rather be surrounded by animals than people a lot of the time....

  2. A friend and I often refer to the way four legged people are nicer than the two legged sort . . .
