Monday 7 October 2019

Felt (1)

It's not quite project 60 all over again but I did something new a little while ago and that was make some felt. Voila!

I didn't do this on a whim, it was to work on something for a friend's Ph D project, of which more later. 

I was pleased with how it turned out but I don't expect to be doing a lot of it, because miles and miles of stocking or  garter stitch to get the knitted fabric you need to felt is quite boring. I'm sure it would be less tedious on a machine, but I don't have one. So, I'm glad I did it, probably won't do it again. And that is an echo of so much of Project 60, as it turned out!

1 comment:

  1. Let’s just say it’s not something I’ve ever made deliberately 😉😉 xx
