Tuesday 25 June 2019

What A Frazzly Day!

I should have known it was coming as I was busy yesterday and got lots done, so today was always going to be  bit of a dead loss in comparison. I feel I have got nothing done today; it's not quite true, I have accomplished one or two bits and pieces, but not much. 

The fault actually lies largely with my printer. I need to print out a copy of my thesis, since I have a date and a time and a place for my viva, and I should be starting to prepare for it. I started printing it out last week but the printer ran out of ink, so it was on hold until we got some new; and given the price they charge in the local Tescos  I bought it from Mr Amazon.The OH loaded it up yesterday and today I thought I would be organised and print out the rest. 

I know of old that my printer is a sulky cow who doesn't like being asked to print out too many pages at once, so I thought we'd start gently and I asked her for five pages. She did three, then a half page, then she did them again and then she did them a third time while I panicked and tried to remember where the 'cancel print' thingy was on my laptop. (The printer icon is not on my tool bar, which in itself is a mistake). By the time I'd found the Cancel Print instruction it was too late for it to be effective. 

So then I tried to properly print off the half page which was 22. She printed me off another half page 22, then threw me in a random 26. Twice. Then she did 22-25 properly without being asked.

She has obviously gone mad. Equally obviously I am going to have to print this thing off a page at a time and check every sheet to ensure she has given me the full text and not just half of it. Today I got to page 41 (end of a chapter). Out of 257. Plus the citation list and bibliography. It's going to take a wee while ....

Things were not helped by a bit of an ill-health family situation which is going to be on-going for a while and which is making us both a bit twitchy. This is the last thing I need just now,but that's a selfish attitude and I must get over it, since the ill health is not mine. 

We're supposed to be going for a walk and I suspect we're gong to have a bit of a tetchy conversation about where to go. Prompted by the fact that every time (and not just today) I say 'where shall we go for our walk?' I get the response 'we can go wherever you would like to go'. If I knew where I'd like to go, I wouldn't be asking in the first place. 

Oh dear. Maybe I'll be in a more positive mood tomorrow. 


  1. I hope the printing/sulky cow printer issues have been resolved...or the required printing has been accomplished!

    Is there a new printer on the horizon?

  2. Oh, god. Printers....

    We have in the past been known to buy a new printer with ink already in it, as it was cheaper than a replacement ink thing! I think you need to treat yourself to a nice new one. No one needs a sulky cow in their life 😉😉
