Wednesday 12 June 2019

Not How We Normally Live ...

... and not how we normally holiday either, but here are a few pictures from the only room that was available for the extra night we had to stay in Tavistock. The credit card bill for this is about to drop through the door any day now ..


I know this chair look like the most comfortable thing ever to sit in. It's not. 


I was too scared to try the bath. Apart from looking as though getting in and out of it would be a short cut to slipping and breaking something, I was convinced that all those pipes would emit would be scalding steam. 

Personally, although it was a nice place to stay, I thought it probably had ideas a bit above its station. 


  1. My goodness that bathtub......beautiful....but the getting in and out...better to take a photo for sure.

  2. Yup - wouldn’t have trusted it either 😉😉
