Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Decorator is In the House

Back in February we contacted our usual decorator asking him to come and re-decorate the place that was Son No 2's bedroom and which we are (very) slowly turning into a craft room for me. I had chosen the wallpaper I wanted, and that was a saga in itself, necessitating three trips to the supplier as nothing that I spent hours so carefully choosing seemed to be actually available when we tipped up to order it, and apart from that it was just a bit of painting. He eventually texted back to say he could come and do it 'at the end of June'. Last week we had a text to say he would be coming yesterday.

Accordingly I got myself up at what felt like the crack of dawn, which was all just so much wasted effort, as he didn't arrive until 12.45. In fact we had given him up for the day just before that and took a needful trip to the doctors surgery and the  post office. Looking across Water Sound on the way back, what should we see in the distance on our drive, but his van. Naturally foot down and a mad dash across barrier number four ensued to get home before he gave up on us and went away again.

Can't grumble about his work rate though. In no time at al he had undercoated all the woodwork and done a first coat on the ceiling and he left, promising to be with us again 'tomorrow'. Which is now today. 

Once again I have dragged myself out of bed at an hour to which I am normally  oblivious. Once again he has not put in the anticipated early appearance. And now not only do I feel awful because I have not had enough sleep, the smell of paint is also curdling my stomach. Unfortunately it is too wet and cold to open the windows to help  get rid of it. The wet is also putting me off the idea of a walk in the fresh air which would surely help, but it may come to that as there is more painting to be done today. 

It had just better be worth it. That's all I'm saying. 


  1. One day you’ll look back on this and laugh 😉😉😉
