Friday 1 September 2017

Did I say someting about rants?

Here is a photograph which I took in Arlanda airport last week as we waited to collect our luggage.

You will notice the yellow line. You can't actually see that this has printed upon it at intervals the word STOP but it is quite clear if you are actually there. 

This is to keep the carousel clear and prevent that heaving huddle that often forms close to luggage carousels, guaranteeing bruised knees, backpacks in faces, and people tripping over other people's baggage trolleys which are pushed far too close to the belt while Dad wrestles without sufficient space to manhandle what seems like a stupendous amount of luggage off the belt, onto the trolley and then out through the madding crowds towards Mum and two over excited children. 

Generally the yellow line solution works well. It does not obviously work 100% of the time as the photograph attests. What I don't understand is how this gentleman and his family could remain totally unaware of the fact that they were the only people, from a complete planeload of passengers, who had crossed the line and then realise that they shouldn't be there. That is a whole world's worth of social insensitivity right there.

I know the nationality of this little group, but since that may be unconnected with their anti-social  behaviour, and since that behaviour I daresay has no malice behind it, I won't say what it is. 

And yes, Stockholm was great, more later, and Project 60 is almost complete - yay! 

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