Monday 13 February 2017

Project 60 - Number 43

I guess most people won't know what this is, other than the 43rd of my 60 new things.

It's what's known in the trade, or more specifically amongst knitters, as a Turkish cast on. This is a technique used for starting socks when you ae knitting them  from the toe up instead of the sensible , more normal , alternative way of knitting them which is from the top down. And yes I'm afraid you are indeed fated in due course to see Project 60 - Number X, Socks from Toe Up, because if I am going to force myself to do 'em, I am certainly going to inflict a description and a picture of the result on the blog readers.  
You may have gathered from the forgoing that I am not totally enamoured of knitting socks from the toe up, and at present I can't see that, after this one attempt, I would ever do it again. But who knows? The thing is that I have now knitted so many socks the other way that I can no longer remember if they were a problem to me at the start. Possibly I looked at them too in despair and wondered how I would ever manage to complete them. I will keep you posted.
I think I can safely say though , that unlike the long tailed cast on of recent memory, the Turkish cast on is not destined to become a permanent part of my skill set.
Meanwhile I realised after I had put up the self deprecatory post about how little I had achieved with my knitting in January that there was a whole pair of socks I had done and accidentally omitted from the post. So here they are now.

Lemon and lime stripes, knitted for me the normal way! The new ones are for the OH. They'll be lovely.

1 comment:

  1. I use the long-tail cast on regularly, but I find the Turkish cast-on quite beyond me. You're right - top down socks are the way to go 😉
