Monday 27 February 2017

Not a design fault per se ...

... but I am painfully reminded today that even King Size beds are not designed to accommodate two large humans and three cats at full stretch. Especially when one of the humans ( that would be me) is a restless sleeper, and the other one (that would be the OH) protests vociferously if any movement made during the night  is likely to disturb the 'poor cats'.
Now I am not one of those who objects to having cats sleep on the bed, even when I'm in it myself, and even if I did it would get me nowhere because there is nothing so determined as a cat with its mind set on something. I do though rather object to having three of them taking up more than 50% of the surface area for the whole of the night, when they have acres of carpeted floor, a selection  of chairs, one comfortable cat-sized cardboard box (temporarily in the living room - it came with last weeks bear)  and access to one other bed as alternative places to sleep.
Anyway I got up this morning hardly able to move my left shoulder, presumably from some sort of cramped position I was forced to adopt during the night and it's still very painful many ours later. . We may be moving towards a 'them or me' scenario come bed time ..


  1. Oh dear - enjoy the spare bed! 😳😳😳😳

  2. Two Humans, Three cats AND DON'T FORGET TWO BEARS !!!
