Saturday 11 October 2014

Project 60

My sister was here recently for a (very enjoyable) few days, and while she was staying I taught her to knit socks. Well, a sock to be precise, but she went home with the makings for the second of the pair....It turned out she had asked me to teach her to do it inspired by a friend of hers who had decided to do fifty new things in the year she was fifty. So my sister had decided she should take herself out of her comfort zone and do some new things too.

For some reason this caught my imagination as well. It could be something to do with the fact that my 60th birthday is in view. It's not hugely imminent, but it is visible on the horizon, and I have rather picked up and run with the idea.  So sixty new things between now and turning 61 (because some of the ones I've thought of involve long range planning and a lot of travel and I don't know that I could fit them all in before I'm sixty, but I've got more of a shot if I give myself that extra twelve months.)
I haven't written down a list; partly because I don't think I could get to sixty all at once and I might put things on it for the sake of getting to the right number. Then when I come across something I'd like to try that isn't on the list I might feel too constrained to do it, since it's not there.
I've got a few starting ideas though. Apparently the trick is to include some small stuff along with the huge things. I have to admit that the large (and expensive) things come to mind more easily.  We'll see how we go.


  1. I've been working on 55 before 55 for about 4 years now (and with just over 2 left to complete them). I did come up with a complete list but due to health issues and not being as well as I'd like I've had to change it somewhat during the time. But it is fun to do and I've done some things I wouldn't have thought I could and I'm enjoying working through others even if it's unlikely I'll get them all finished by 55. (and yes there were quite a few knitting and craft ones in it)


  2. Thank you for that, it's very encouraging. I am finding that all the almost immediately achievable ones are food related, although of course there are some craft ones in there as well. Knitting some socks from the toe up is definitely in there. I've sort of penciled in the Sydney Harbour Bridge Climb, which I almost did once before and then chickened out, like you I'd like to do some things that I never thought I could. Anne
