Saturday 11 October 2014

Project 60 - Number 1

Green Olive Tapenade

So many of you might recognize that as a photo of green olive tapenade. I wouldn't, but then I'm not terribly interested in food, or a very adventurous eater, so faced with it in the normal way of things I'd have registered it as green mush and moved quickly on.

We were on our way home from the Central Belt earlier this week and while we were waiting for the first course of our dinner we were served some home made bread, with chive butter and some green olive tapenade. I tried the bread, and the chive butter (which was lovely) and fully intended to ignore the tapenade as per normal. After all I don't like olives.

And then a light bulb went on in my head. Wasn't I just trying to challenge myself to do sixty new things before I was sixty one? Wouldn't trying this stuff be a new thing to give a go to? What was the point in deciding to do new stuff if, when new things presented themselves, I didn't recognize the opportunity?

I took up a spoon and heaped some tapenade onto a piece of bread. Then before I could have second thoughts and without pausing to put myself off by trying to see what it smelled like, I popped it in my mouth.

And of course I hated it. I have since googled the stuff and see that it is basically made up of three ingredients; capers, anchovies and green olives. As I do not like any of these three things separately the chances of me enjoying them when they have been pounded together into a paste were basically nil. But that is not the point. I tried it.
One down, fifty nine to go.

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