Sunday 24 February 2013

In Which I have an Unsettling Day....

It was one of those days where if you could turn back time and make a different decision you would...for two reasons we should definitely not have gone to church this morning!

Reason the first - I saw my Ph D Director of Studies after the service and in the course of a general chat I mentioned something she had not known about and which it would be safe to say didn't thrill her. It wasn't anything to do with me except very peripherally, and if I'd had any idea that she would be annoyed by it I wouldn't have mentioned it. Have spent a lot of the rest of the day wondering what form, if any, the fall out will take, and feeling guilty about the whole thing. Sometimes I feel that I should walk through the world wearing a very secure gag....
And secondly,  when we got back to the car it wouldn't start. To be fair, it has been playing up for 10 days or so, but we have always managed to coax it into starting eventually and it is booked into the local garage for a look at on Tuesday coming. None of this was much help this morning though. The car wouldn't start, we live 15 miles away from the Cathedral, and there are no buses to where we live on a Sunday. Nary a one.
We phoned our friend J, she of the cat who needed to be fed, and fortunately she wasn't busy so she came to fetch us home. The car of course we had to leave behind in the Cathedral Centre car park, and no way of knowing whether it will start in the morning when OH goes into town to try and retrieve it. And if it won't it will need towing which sounds sort of expensive.
All in all it was almost 3.30 before we got home and had lunch which meant re-jigging plans for the rest of the day and I was just about to start on those when son no 1 skyped and we had a long chat; after which there wasn't a great deal of point in trying to get anything done at all. I did bake a cake, and finished a sleeve for a jumper and started another one.
But it could have been a much less stressful day had we just stayed at home this morning!

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