Sunday 6 October 2024

Just Popping In Briefly

 to say, like Granny Weatherwax, I ent dead. I am however dead tired and have not had access to my laptop for several days while my study was being decorated. We managed to put bits of it back together yesterday as the decorator finished in here on Friday. I even have a photo

It will not look this tidy/sparse ever again, The best bit about re-assembling it was having a heavy prune of the CDs as I put them back into the racks. We even have a little bit of space, in the unlikely event,  that we ever buy any more, to put them, and they are all so beautifully arranged that it should be easy to find any particular CD without problem. After the photos are done on Tuesday I am hoping to persuade the OH to put at least one of the bookcases back in here and hang a couple of pictures too. 

The decorator will be back tomorrow for a final lot of painting in the kitchen but there's not much needing to be done in there and the rest of the house is in various stages of readiness. It will all be fine by Tuesday. I should mention that the OH has worked very hard outside, clearing weeds from pavements and the patio and washing the windows,  generally a thankless task in Orkney because of the salt in the wind, but they do look fab. 

This afternoon, and my heart sinks slightly as I type the words, I shall be 'having a go' at my craft room. I am expecting it to take a while. 

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