Sunday 10 September 2023

Saturday Slaughters; A Beginning and an End

Saturday Slaughters reconvened yesterday after the summer break. The summer read had been The Cliff House   by Chris (aka Christopher ) Brookmyre. I did not enjoy it. It was one of those 'women (all with terrible secret in their past) trapped on island with mad axeman' type things and I loathed it. Not quite credible setting, not very credible characters, totally non-credible plot and a perpetrator you could spot a mile off.  

I haven't read much Brookmyre but I know enough about his work  to know that sub 1980s Shirley Conran isn't really his style so maybe he's 'reaching out to a new demographic' as someone put it yesterday. Or maybe he just wanted to turn a quick buck and looked at the sort of thing that's selling just now. 

It was a minority opinion. Everyone else thought it was a real page turner, and an ideal summer read, and a good book.

And I'm done. I'm done with reading books I really don't enjoy or admire for the sake of going out once  a month to disagree with people.  I'm done with being (usually) the only person with anything critical to say about the book of the month. I'm done with being the sole voice of negativity and looked at like nothing ever does or could please me, because that's just not true. In short, I'm done with Saturday Slaughters. 


  1. Don't blame you. What's the point of a group which thinks every book is fantastic, especially when it clearly isn't???

  2. Start the online 'Cynical critics book club' - I'd join!! It does sound like that group was not for you (and would not be for me.)
