Sunday 12 February 2023

Squeezed in just before we left

 was this

I was really pleased it got done before we went, although it was a close run thing. I borrowed this one from my sister and although it is a lovely image I have to say that if it were mine it would be going to the library because it was quite challenging and  I don't think  I would ever want to do it again. Luckily that's not my call to make and I will be returning it to my sister as and when. Probably in August. 

Meanwhile we are, obviously, back from Madeira - a day late thanks to the weather and I look forward to blogging all about our trip over the next few days. As I only took my phone with which to take photographs, this is dependent on the OH demonstrating how to upload photos from my phone to my laptop, together doubtless with  few sighs and eye rollings. I do need to delete some too, there were a lot of what I call 'snap and hope' pictures because I couldn't always see my phone screen clearly. I don't think I am a natural phone photographer, if you see what  mean.  

1 comment:

  1. Just realised you'll have been in Madeira when my sister was!
