Sunday 19 February 2023

Friday was a Day for Finishing Things

 And hurrah for that.

I finished a jigsaw puzzle. When I was in denial last winter about how bad my eyes were getting I attempted several jigsaws and was forced to give up on them as I really couldn't see sufficient detail on the pieces to recognise what they were. I've been trying several of these again recently; the one of my sisters that I finished just before we went away, the current one started this morning, and this one finished on Friday.

I'm a huge Anne of Green Gables fan, for no reason that I can think of particularly and I was thrilled when my grandsons bought me this last Christmas. I wasn't so thrilled when I tried to do it, and tbh I wasn't so thrilled with it this time around either, except that I managed to finish it, which was an achievement. It's not of particularly good quality; the combination of the shiny finish and the extremely thin cardboard from which it's made mean that the pieces fall part from one another at the slightest provocation, honestly  I could swear some of them moved away just because I  looked at them. As such I don't see me ever doing it again, but I won't be giving it away either since it was a gift from my grandchildren. 

Next up was a book 

and I'm not going to say to  much about it in this post as I am planning a Reading Round Up  one shortly. 

And finally there was a pair of socks which were part of the Sock-A-Long I was hosting on a Ravelry group and which are a pair from my list of craft plans for the year. Litlle Paddocks socks, like I made for my sister at Christmas. They are lovely and I used up some stash yarn to make them so double hurrah for that. 

It was quite a satisfying day. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why it's insisting I'm anonymous - it's Heather! What a shame about the jigsaw. I'm delighted fo hear you're managing to do them again 🥰🥰

    I *loved* The Hare With Amber Eyes. I look forward to your report.
